Travel Again Project
Travel Again began a volunteer, non-profit project to unite the global travel industry.

Coordinating industry participants in support of this platform
Individual industry supporters need to be organized
Corporate support will be needed to achieve objectives
Developing a global multi-sector advocacy platform
Leverage disparate initiatives to create aggregate industry approach for policy makers to access
Congressional support exists but needs to be coordinated
Reviewing and disseminating relevant information and best practices globally
Supplier-led efforts have produced the vast majority of information and policy materials to date, but it is not centrally cataloged, reviewed and organized
Buyer-led information and best practices has been scarce until more recent independent volunteer efforts have emerged
Trend data and industry outlook forecasts exist but are not synchronized or media-ready

Key Deliverables
Policy Advisors
Our mission was to restore consumer and corporate confidence in traveling and encourage responsible government policy. Started in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Travel Again Project ran from June 2020 until December 2021, with a look-back reunion in early 2023. Check out all the great work completed with the help of our outstanding travel industry advisors, medical experts, and a group of talented colleagues.
Current Initiatives

Delivering Consistent Industry Metrics
Weekly/Monthly Status of Key Industry Metrics
Accurate Forecasting
Media-Ready Messaging
Prioritization of Key Policy Initiatives
Multiple Verticals Represented
Global Perspective and Coordination